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Exchange Goods

When goods are exchanged there is no credit posted to the Creditors account - there is only journals for the stock being replaced. There is no posting for GST.


  Ex GST Cost GST Inc GST Total
Part A - Shipping Return 585.00 58.50 643.50
Part C - Exchanged item 550.00   550.00
Part B - no Shipping Return 600.00 60.00 660.00
Part D - Exchange item 625.00   625.00


  Warehouse Mask GST Code Debit Credit
Part A - Inventory Value In Transit Warehouse     585.00
Part A - Stock Write Off     585.00  
Part C - Inventory Value Current Warehouse   550.00  
Part C - Stock Write On       550.00
Part B - Inventory Value Current Warehouse     600.00
Part B - Stock Write Off     600.00  
Part D - Inventory Value Current Warehouse   625.00  
Part D - Stock Write On       625.00

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